Tribute Presentation to Pablo Pozzi

The Latin American Oral History Network, ISHIR, IOHA and AHORA, invite you. to the presentation of the tribute book “To Pablo Pozzi, the historian who subverted historiography in Latin America” (A Pablo Pozzi, el historiador que subvirtió la historiografía en América Latina ). It will be on Monday, October 23 at 3:00 p.m. – Argentina – through the ZOOM system.

Authors of the book and the honoree, Pablo Pozzi, will participate.

The presentation will be broadcast live through the Facebook site of he Latin American Oral History Network.

The ZOOM space will be enabled minutes before the presentation. ISHIR Institutional Account is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Login Zoom Meeting.

ID de reunión: 883 6702 0824

Código de acceso: 083420

For more information, click here.