Words and Silences
Current Issue:
Harmony and Disharmony:
Selections from the XXI IOHA Conference

About the Journal
Words and Silences / Palabras y Silencios is the Digital Edition Journal of the International Oral History Association. It includes articles from a wide range of disciplines and is a means for the professional community to share projects and current trends of oral history from around the world.
Online ISSN 2222-4181
Recent Articles
“Smart Interview,” Technology and Solving the Challenges in an Interview
Samir Ketif & Saeideh Mahrami
Independent Researchers, Iran
Noakhali Riots 1946: Personal Stories in Historical Memory
Parvez Rahaman
Middle Tennessee State University, USA
“Tacit farmers” in U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa
Fukuda Masato
Kyoto University
Keynote 3: Accelerating Innovation: Discovery, Engagement, and Risk
Douglas A. Boyd
Louis B. Nunn Center for Oral History
University of Kentucky, USA
History, Orality, and the Construction of the German Girl Shrine Legend
Wang Shuqin Sandy
National Archives of Singapore
Past Issues
Oral History and Space (2022)
Harmony and Disharmony: Selections from the XXI IOHA Conference (2023)
Memory and Narration (2019)
Oral History and Emotions (2018)
New Digital Edition (2015)
Collaboration (2012)
The Workings of Oral History (2011)
Transition Issue (2011)
Oral History and the Experience of Politics (2003)
Article Submissions
Words and Silences’ editorial team is interested in articles related to oral history methodology, practices, theory, and projects. Our goal is to provide a space for oral historians and oral history practitioners to share projects and current trends with the international community.