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Results of Elections in the Czech Oral History Association (COHA) 2018

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Results of Elections in the Czech Oral History Association (COHA) 2018[1]

On Friday, March 2, 2018, new Executive Committee and Review Commission were elected at the COHA General Assembly. Jiří Hlaváček (Oral History Center from the Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences; Faculty of Humanities, Charles University) became the new chairman of the association and Marie Barešová (National Film Archive) is now the new vice-chairwoman. The General Assembly also approved the annual report for the year 2017.


The objectives and plans of COHA for 2018 are:

1) Active participation and promotion at the ESSHC 2018 (Belfast, United Kingdom), the XX IOHA Congress (Jyväskylä, Finland), and 52nd OHA and CANOHA Annual Meeting (Montreal, Canada);

2) Realization of the XVII Oral History Workshop in Sovinec (June 7-9, 2018);

3) Elaboration of a recommendation on the relationship of oral history towards the European GDPR Directive, which enters into force in May 2018.

The specific medium-term goal is to find a local organizer of the VI COHA conference, which should be held in 2019.


General long-term plans and objectives:

COHA wants to continue to promote the organization externally (media appearances, social networks, etc.) with the goal to raise awareness of the existence of our organization among professionals, students, and the general public. COHA’s members should maintain at least an elementary level of involvement in the association’s activities (e.g. updating websites, sending news, reports, conference announcements, etc.) and seek to gain new members – individuals as well as institutions that have a serious interest in the method of oral history.


[1] Retrieved from COHA’s official website, see: Výsledky voleb do orgánů COHA | Česká asociace orální historie [Online] available from: <> [2018-06-15].