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CFP: XIII National Meeting and VII International Congress of Oral History of the Argentine Republic

XIII National Meeting and VII International Congress of Oral History of the Argentine Republic: “HISTORY AND MEMORIES: TOWARDS A PLURALITY OF VOICES?”  Trelew, Chubut, 10, 11 and 12 October 2018

THIRD CIRCULAR: Thematic panels. Call for submission of abstracts

The Association of Oral History of the Argentine Republic -AHORA-; the Institute of Historical and Social Research and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the National University of Patagonia, invite you to participate in the XIII National Meeting and VII International Congress of Oral History “HISTORY and MEMORIES: TOWARDS A PLURALITY OF VOICES?” on 10, 11 and 12 October 2018 in the City of Trelew, province of Chubut.


  1. Abstracts and final papers should be sent to both the coordinator/s of the panel selected and to the following e-mail: with the subject: MEETING 2018. Your e-mail to both must meet the criteria and deadline set by the organizing committee (see Annex 2 for the complete list of thematic panels and coordinator/s responsible). Abstracts must be written in WORD or similar text processors, and sent in the file format indicated in Annex 1
  2. The requested format must be strictly adhered to, both for the submission of abstracts and the full papers. Abstracts that do not adhere to the required format may be rejected.
  3. The maximum number of authors permitted per paper is THREE, and the maximum number of papers that an author may submit is TWO.
  4. Both abstracts and papers will be evaluated by the coordination committee, that will assess that they comply with: (a) the rules of presentation set by the organising committee; b) academic and scientific rigour and c) the use of oral sources, or the discussion of theoretical or methodological issues within oral history frameworks.
  5. You will be able to submit an abstract as either a ―RESEARCH PAPER or ―WORK IN PROGRESS. Research papers will adhere to appropriate academic conventions leading to provisional or definitive conclusions; whereas works in progress may refer to projects at their initial development stage, which may still lack hypothesis or conclusions, which the author wishes to present as a research experience not yet fully structured.


– Abstract submission: UNTIL 20 February 2018

  • – Acceptance of abstracts: UNTIL March 05, 2018
  • – Submission of full papers: UNTIL the 22nd of April 2018
  • – Communication of accepted papers: UNTIL June 2, 2018